Wowser – 25 years!
We had a count-up recently and realised that it is our 25th Birthday in November, so we all brainstormed (well except for Steph, as usual, she was asleep), and we decided to celebrate!
Laura suggested we buy a cake, while Aliss said we could have a tea party. Ashleigh said we could do some party bags, while Amber said, let’s invite our customers in, too! Ellie said can we go to the pub afterwards – that comment alerted Steph, who strangely immediately woke up!
So we agreed, it’s party time!
But we are going one step further with some incredible discounts mainly, but not exclusively, on clearance lines, meaning discontinued colours or models. We would also like to thank many of our suppliers for supporting our 25th Birthday Party with some extra “freebies” and deals on current or next-season models.
Sadly, we can’t serve champagne on November 3rd and 4th, but we know our customers will go away happy!